The world probably doesn’t need another bloated ego pretending to give easy solutions. Thankfully what we need is a comedy character who skewers them with precision, hilarity and who isn't afraid at showing vulnerability.
President Obonjo, is an upcoming and increasingly successful stand-up comedian and who has been peforming Comedy for the past 10 years.. As the larger-than-life, uber-confident, self-appointed, side-splitting dictator of 'Lafta Republic', President Obonjo has quietly been leading a comedy revolution to become the first President to take over the comedy industry by storm. He has been creating rumblings by storming New Act competitions including winning Luton Comedian of the Year, Runner-Up at Great Yorkshire Fringe and was a finalist in the Naty New Act of the Year. His previous solo show President Obonjo Stole My Identity was performed in 2015 at Bath Comedy Festival, Brighton Fringe and Edinburgh Fringe Festivals in 2015 and 2017 to packed crowds and critical acclaim.
In 2019, President Obonjo won the Malcolm Hardee Award in 2019 as the act most likely to win £1 million pounds , he also took a show to Edinburgh in 2019 titled Good Bye Mr President. The show was purchased by Nextup Comedy.
He has written a new show titled Stolen about a President who survives an Attempted Coup and lives to tell the tale.
Upcoming Appearances