Towering six-foot Australian comedian, resident in the UK now for almost 30years, she has great gags and ability for storytelling too.
Glamorous Cougar recounting disastrous marriages (2) feral kids (2) hazards of growing up too fast. A popular host/MC for comedy clubs, sporting and charity fundraisers all over the UK. Has a great backlog of material for clean set or saucy adult set.
A regular at the Edinburgh fringe having performed 8 one-hour solo shows, over the last 12 years. Her show ‘Happy in your skin’ has toured UK and Norway (16-day tour). A confident professional pair of hands for any event.
More lip than a duck billed platypus.
Best legs in Stand-up, barring drag acts.
Winner ‘Take the Mike’ 2004
Her gag about ‘shave one leg’ was worth the ticket price alone
Finalist 2016 Old Comedian of the year competition. ‘She got the biggest laughs of the night, surprised she didn’t get placed
Beyond a joke
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